physics 9

motion - Bewegung

mechanics & forces - Mechanik & Kräfte

Newton’s Laws

$${F = m \cdot a}$$

more on forces

circular motion - Kreisbewegung


  1. State what is meant by static friction
  2. State what is meant by dynamic friction
  3. Carry out calculations involving friction
  4. Investigate friction between surfaces
  5. Understand that air resistance is a form of friction
  6. Describe qualitatively what they understand by rolling friction

electricity - Elektrizität


voltage, current & resistance - Spannung, Stromstärke & Wiederstand

Ohm’s law - Das Ohm’sche Gesetz

$${R = \frac{V}{I}}$$

energy - Energie

$${E = ItV}$$ $${E = QV}$$

$${P = IV}$$

electromagnetism - Elektromagnetismus

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