motion - Bewegung
- formula of speed
- average speed versus instantaneous speed
- distance-time graphs
- calculate speed by determining the gradient of a distance-time graph
- describe in full sentences with correct terminology the motion shown on a distance-time graph
- plot graphs using recorded distance and time date
- recall some examples of accelerated motion
- investigate the conditions for uniform motion
- investigate the conditions for accelerated motion
- state the formula
$ \color{orange}{\text{acceleration} = \frac{\text{final velocity - initial velocity}}{\text{time}}}$
- rearrange this formula and use it to solve problems link to the equations of motion
- convert units between
to compare motions. - draw velocity-time graphs
- calculate acceleration by determining the gradient of a velocity-time graph
- calculate displacement by determining the area under a velocity-time graph
- describe in full sentences with correct terminology the motion shown on a velocity-time graph
- distinguish between distance and displacement
-state the formula
$ \color{orange}{\text{velocity} = \frac{\text{displacement}}{\text{time}}}$
- rearrange this formula and use it to solve problems
- describe what is meant by free fall
- state what a scalar is and give two examples
- state what a vector is and give two examples
mechanics & forces - Mechanik & Kräfte
Newton’s Laws
- Explain what is meant by the term inertia
- Describe a simple experiment to investigate inertia - coin on a card
- Understand that balanced forces produce no change in motion
- Explain that unbalanced forces will cause a change in speed or direction
- State Newton’s First Law of motion
- Combine unbalanced forces to determine the resultant force
- Understand that a resultant force produces an acceleration
- Recall that this acceleration is in the direction of the resultant force
- State Newton’s Second Law in the form
$${F = m \cdot a}$$
- Rearrange this formula and use it to solve problems
- Describe an experiment to investigate the relationship between resultant force, mass and acceleration
- Recall some examples of circular motion
circular motion - Kreisbewegung
- Mark the direction of the velocity of a body that is undergoing circular motion
- Understand that a body moving with a constant speed in a circle is accelerating
- Understand that a resultant force is needed to produce this acceleration
- Recall that this force is called the centripetal force
- Recall that this force always acts towards the centre of the circle
- Recall that the centripetal force is greater when mass is larger, speed greater and radius less
- State examples of forces which provide the centripetal force
- Understand what happens if the centripetal force is removed
- Understand the role of circular motion in satellite communications
- State what is meant by static friction
- State what is meant by dynamic friction
- Carry out calculations involving friction
- Investigate friction between surfaces
- Understand that air resistance is a form of friction
- Describe qualitatively what they understand by rolling friction
electricity - Elektrizität
- Recognise circuit symbols for a battery, switch, motor, resistor, bulb, ammeter and voltmeter
- Record diagrammatically simple series circuits
- Record diagrammatically simple parallel circuits
- State the rules for current and voltage in a series circuit
- State the rules for current and voltage in a parallel circuit
- Outline the difference between series and parallel circuits
- Design simple series circuits
- Design simple parallel circuits
- Comment on an appropriate circuit type for two-way switching.
voltage, current & resistance - Spannung, Stromstärke & Wiederstand
- Define
- Current
- Voltage
- Resistance
- Explain the difference between conductors and insulators in terms of free electrons
- Understand that an electric current is the flow of electrons and that it is in the opposite direction to conventional current
- Describe how electric current flows through a wire
- Recall that current is measured in amps
Ohm’s law - Das Ohm’sche Gesetz
- State the formula for resistance in terms of current and voltage as
$${R = \frac{V}{I}}$$
- Rearrange the formula for resistance and use it to solve problems
- Recall that resistance is measured in ohms (Ω)
- Discuss how resistance is affected by temperature
- Measure current and voltage in series circuits
- Measure current and voltage in parallel circuits
energy - Energie
- State the formula to calculate electrical energy as
$${E = ItV}$$ $${E = QV}$$
- State the unit of energy as the Joule (J)
- State the formula to calculate electrical power as
$${P = IV}$$
- State the unit of Power as the Watt (W)
- Rearrange the formula for resistance and use it to solve problems