simultaneous equations - Gleichungssysteme
- graphical method - graphische Methode
- substitution method - Einsetzungsverfahren
- elimination method - Additionsverfahren link to page
- equating method - Gleichsetzungsverfahren
- review lines
function plotter
Extension - Gauss-Verfahren
for solving systems of 3 (or more) simultaneous equations see the GAUSS-verfahren
irrational numbers (surds) - irrationale Zahlen (Wurzeln)
- the side length of a square with area 2
- square root
- calculations
- numerical methods, iterations
powers - Potenzen
- standard notation
- rules for calculation with powers
- power function
Pythagoras’ theorem - Satzgruppe des Pythagoras
- Pythagoras’ Theorem - Satz des Pythagoras
- Kathetensatz
- Höhensatz (geometric mean)
- Converse of the theorem
- Applications - Anwendungen
- In addition: Thalessatz
quadratic equation - quadratische Gleichung
- solving quadratic equations
- completing the square
- quadratic equation - quadratische Gleichung
- pq- Formel
- abc-Formel
- factorising
- Satz des Vieta
quadratic function - quadratische Funktion
- parabolas - Parabeln
- basic parabola - Normalparabel
- general from - allgemeine Form
- vertex form - Scheitelpunktform
- roots - Nullstellen by solving quadratic equations - see previous heading on quadratics
similarity (enlargement) - Ähnlichkeit
- intro with areas of triangles
- use Höhensatz, Kathetensatz and Pythagoras
- enlargment (reduction)
- applications (width of river, height of tree, etc) on similarity