
symmetry - Symmetrie

symmetry to the y-axis - Achsensymmetrie zur y-Achse

Following has to be true: $${f(-x) = f(x)}$$

rotational symmetry about the origin - Punktsymmetrie zum Ursprung

Following has to be true: $${f(-x) = - f(x)}$$ or in another form $${- f(-x) = f(x)}$$

roots (zeroes) - Nullstellen

set the function $${f(x) = 0}$$ and attempt to find solutions.

Numerical method - see Newton-Raphson method - Das Newtonverfahren

y-intercept - x = 0

Substitute x = 0 and calculate f(0) This is quite useful for sketching the graph of the function.

stationary points - Kritische Punkte - 1. Ableitung

Notwendiges Kriterium für lokale Extrema $${f’(x) = 0}$$ Die Funktion sei an der Stelle $x_E$ differenzierbar. Dann gilt: Wenn bei $x_E$ ein lokales Extremum liegt, dann ist $f'(x_E) = 0$.

Hinreichendes Kriterium für lokale Extrema Die Funktion f sei in einer Umgebung von x zweimal differenzierbar. Dann gilt:

local maximum - Hochpunkt (Extrema)

$${x < x_E}$$ $${x_E}$$ $${x_E < x}$$
$${f’(x) > 0}$$ $${f’(x_E) = 0}$$ $${f^\prime (x) < 0}$$
$${f^{\prime \prime}(x) < 0}$$

local minimum - Tiefpunkt (Extrema)

$${x < x_E}$$ $${x_E}$$ $${x_E < x}$$
$${f’(x) < 0}$$ $${f’(x_E) = 0}$$ $${f^\prime (x) > 0}$$
$${f^{\prime \prime}(x) > 0}$$

point of inflexion (inflection) - Sattelpunkt

Note: this is not an extrema - Der Sattelpunkt ist kein Extrempunkt

$${x < x_E}$$ $${x_E}$$ $${x_E < x}$$
$${f’(x) < 0}$$ $${f’(x_E) = 0}$$ $${f^\prime (x) < 0}$$
$${f’(x) > 0}$$ $${f’(x_E) = 0}$$ $${f^\prime (x) > 0}$$

Curvature - Krümmung

A parabola is either curved in clockwise direction (when it opens downwards) or it is curved in anti-clockwise direction (when it opens upwards). For polynomials of higher degree, the curvature may change direction.

The point where this change takes place is called the point of inflexion - Wendepunkt (in German)

point of inflexion - Wendepunkte - 2. Ableitung

To look at where a function has a possible point of inflexion (Wendepunkt), we need to have a closer look at the 2nd derivative and also the 3rd derivative to be sure of the nature of the point of inflexion.

$${f^{\prime\prime}(x) = 0}$$

Notwendiges Kriterium für Wendepunkte

Let the function f be differentiatable twice at $x_W$, then following holds. If $x_w$ is a point of inflexion of, then ${f^{\prime\prime}(x_W) = 0}$.

3rd derivative - 3. Ableitung (f’’’ -Kriterium)

The third derivative is used to determine the nature of the point of inflection.

If ${f^{\prime\prime\prime}(x) = 0}$ it may not be a point of inflexion but a saddle point.

To be sure that it is a point of inflexion,

$${f^{\prime\prime\prime}(x) \neq 0}$$

Hinreichendes Kriterium für Wendpunkte

Let the function f be differentiatable three times in the region of $x$. If ${f^{\prime\prime}(x_W) = 0}$ and ${f^{\prime\prime\prime}(x_W) \neq 0}$, then f has a point of inflexion at $x_W$.

Following criteria (Vorzeichenwechsel-Kriterium) is useful.

Let the function be twice differentiable at $x_W$ and ${f^{\prime\prime}(x_W) = 0}$. If the second derivative has a change of sign (Vorzeichenwechsel), then there is a point of inflexion (ein Wendepunkt) at $x_W$

vertical asymptotes - Polstellen

This can happen for x values where the function is not defined because the denominator would be 0 which is not possible.


$${f(x) = \frac{1}{x}}$$ $${f(x) = \frac{1}{x-3}}$$ $${f(x) = \frac{2x + 1}{x^2 -4x -5}}$$

non-vertical asymptotes - waagrechte und schräge Asymptoten

polynomial division - Polynomdivision

see here

Sketching the curve - Der Graph

types of functions you will need to know

linear function

see content from previous years here and in following GeoGebra book I created for 8th grade.


see content from previous years - quadratic equation and parabolas

cubic function

polynomials of higher degree

factorising polynomials - null factor law

root function

exponential function

logarithmic function

logistic function

trigonometric function

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