Vectors - analytische Geometrie
position vectors - Ortsvektor
notation - Schreibweise
- symbols
- column
- base vector i,j,k
- underlined (when hand-written)
- bold notation
- arrow notation
magnitude - Betrag
operations on vectors - Rechenoperationen
- addition and subtraction
- multiplication by a scalar
equation of a line - Geradengleichung
- vector equation
- parametric equation
- Cartesian equation
scalar product (dot product) - Skalarprodukt
- angle between vectors
- check orthogonality (if vectors are perpendicular)
cross-product - Vektorprodukt
lineare Unabhängigkeit
relative positions of - Lagebeziehungen
point to line - Punkt-Gerade
line to line - Gerade-Gerade
- intersection
- parallel
- skew - (windschief)
- coincident
- angle between vectors
- distance
- vector equation
- parametric equation
- Cartesian equation
- the normal form - Hess’sche Normalform
plane to line - Ebene-Gerade
- line in the plane
- parallel
- intersecting the plane
- normal of the plane
- angle with the plane