
What is trigonometry about?

“tri” - “gon” -o- “metry” is Greek for the measurement of three angles, the angles in any triangle.

So, in school, trigonometry introduces some more tools to calculate the sides, angles and areas of triangles by extending what we know about the ratios in similar right-angled triangles and linking them to the acute angles.

sine - der Sinus 1

the ratio of the side opposite to the angle and the hypotenuse is called sine

$${\sin{\alpha}= \frac{y}{h}}$$


where y is the opposite side and h is the hypotenuse.

NOTE - brackets in German text books and often none in English text books

The sine is a function of the angle in a right-angled triangle. The ratio of the opposite side and the hypotenuse has a specific angle assigned to it.

What can we do with this? Table or calculator

Knowing the angle $\alpha$ we can find the ratio from tables or with a calculator, using the $\color{orange}{[\sin]}$ button.


$\alpha = 17°$ and $\sin{(17°)} \approx 0.29237170$ to 8 decimal places

And, if we know the ratio we can read the tables in reverse and find the angle that matches the ratio. In the calculator, use the $\color{orange}{[\sin^{-1}]}$ button. It is the inverse function of sine, also known as the arcus sinus - $\color{orange}{[\arcsin]}$.

A more precise sine table

cosine - der Kosinus


the ratio of the side adjacent to the angle and the hypotenuse is called cosine

$${\cos{\alpha}= \frac{x}{h}}$$

where x is the adjacent side and h is the hypotenuse.

Use the $\color{orange}{[\cos]}$ button in a calculator. And, $\color{orange}{[\cos^{-1}]}$ for finding the angle given the ratio $\frac{\text{adjacent}}{\text{hypotenuse}}$.

A more precise cosine table

tangent - der Tangens

the ratio of the opposite and the adjacent is called the tangent

$${\tan{\alpha}= \frac{\sin{\alpha}}{\cos{\alpha}}= \frac{y}{x} }$$


On the side of the road the sign showing the slope reads 18%. What does this mean? What is the angle of inclination?

$${18 \text{%} = \frac{ \text{18 m altitude}}{ \text{100 m horizontal distance}} = 0.18 = \tan{\alpha}}$$

from the table we know that $\alpha$ lies between 10 and 11 degrees. More acurately, using the unit circle app, it is about $\alpha = 10.2°$

Or, using a more precise table where the angles are accurate to 1 decimal place.

Use the $\color{orange}{[\tan^{-1}]}$ button on the calculator, to get approximately 10.203973722° (careful! - make sure the calculator is in degree mode - mode DEG and not RAD or GON)

finding missing measurements in a right-angled triangle

With Pythagoras’ theorem you are able to find the missing side if you know the 2 other sides of a right-angled triangle.

While, with the help of the trigonometry it is now possible to find

example calculations on a right-angled triangle

find the missing sides given an angle and one side

CIMT - using the trigonometric ratios

CIMT - calculating sides

calculating the angle

CIMT - online exercises

more exercises and info on Aufgabenfuchs


measurements in any triangle

Pythagoras revisited

we know from Pythagoras’ theorem that $${x^2 + y^2 = h^2}$$

from the ratios we also know that ${x = h \cdot \cos{\alpha}}$ and ${y = h \cdot \sin{\alpha}}$

So, $${x^2 = (h \cdot \cos{\alpha})^2}$$ $${y^2 = (h \cdot \sin{\alpha})^2}$$

Adding the 2 equations:

$${x^2 + y^2 = (h \cdot \cos{\alpha})^2 + (h \cdot \sin{\alpha})^2}$$

$${x^2 + y^2 = h^2 \cdot \cos^2{\alpha} + h^2 \cdot \sin^2{\alpha}}$$

$${x^2 + y^2 = h^2 \cdot \left(\cos^2{\alpha} + \sin^2{\alpha}\right)}$$

But, we know that $${x^2 + y^2 = h^2}$$ (Pythagoras’ theorem) so it follows that

$${\sin^2{\alpha} + \cos^2{\alpha} = 1}$$

cotangent - der Kotangens

the reciprocal of the tangent is the cotangent

$${\cot{\alpha}= \frac{1}{\tan{\alpha}}= \frac{\cos{\alpha}}{\sin{\alpha}}= \frac{x}{y} }$$


ancient Greece


Here is a reference to Indian mathematics while Europe was in the dark ages

not so commonly used

secant - der Sekans

the reciprocal of the cosine is the secant - read “sec”

$${\sec{\alpha}= \frac{1}{\cos{\alpha}}}$$

cosecant - der Kosekans

the reciprocal of the sine is the cosecant - read “cosec”

$${\csc{\alpha}= \frac{1}{\sin{\alpha}}}$$

  1. Meaning of sine: trigonometric function, 1590s (in Thomas Fale’s “Horologiographia, the Art of Dialling”), from Latin sinus “fold in a garment, bend, curve, bosom” (see sinus). Used mid-12c. by Gherardo of Cremona in Medieval Latin translation of Arabic geometrical text to render Arabic jiba “chord of an arc, sine” (from Sanskrit jya “bowstring”), which he confused with jaib “bundle, bosom, fold in a garment.” from ↩︎

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